
Download bowwowbungalow
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Leaving Madam MeowMeow's house, Link once again sees BowWow chained up to the post, where he is seen for the rest of Link's adventure. Overjoyed, Madam MeowMeow rewards Link with a kiss for all he has done for her and BowWow. Īfter Link retrieves the Conch Horn from Bottle Grotto, he must return BowWow to his owner. In order for Link to obtain the second Instrument of the Sirens, he should walk with BowWow to the swamp, where BowWow can eat the Goponga Flowers blocking the entrance to Bottle Grotto, the second dungeon in Link's Awakening. As a result, BowWow is the only individual that is allowed to enter Goponga Swamp. Moreover, his favorite treats are the indigestible flowers of Goponga Swamp. Being a loyal companion, he will also eat most enemies in Link's way. Because of his sharp nose, BowWow can sniff up secrets buried beneath the ground to help Link search for Secret Seashells. Īfter returning to Mabe Village, Madam MeowMeow is grateful and asks Link to take BowWow for a walk around Koholint Island. On the way toward Mabe Village, BowWow and Link meet with the Owl, commenting on how fierce the animal looks and keeping Link on task for the next Instrument of the Sirens. Link unties BowWow's chain from the rock and returns to Mabe Village to bring back BowWow to Madam MeowMeow. Once Link defeats King Moblin, the room where BowWow is being held prisoner is revealed. Once entering the room, King Moblin recognizes Link is there to save BowWow and attacks Link. Nevertheless, Link defeats the henchmen and marches forth through their hideout to save BowWow.

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When Link travels to the hideout, the Moblins attack him because he looks suspicious.

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Link soon finds out that the Moblin Chief and his gang are hiding in Moblin Cave, a cave located in the Tal Tal Heights region. If Link talks to Madam MeowMeow, she frantically begs for Link to rescue BowWow. To learn more about the tragedy, Link can talk to Grandma Yahoo to see what happened at Madam MeowMeow's house.

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Once Link obtains the Full Moon Cello from Tail Cave and returns to Mabe Village, he is informed by the Island Quadruplets that BowWow has recently been dognapped by the henchmen of the Moblin Chief.

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